Monday, September 17, 2012

Just a thought

Its weird looking around at people in my class. Just looking at them and getting glimpses of their perspectives. A glimpse of the world through their eyes. Its really mind blowing to think of all the kids in this school and all the different energies and souls just existing with each other. The sad part of it all is that most of them are so stuck in their own head, they don't even try to see past their own eyes. Just seeing so many people interact intrigues me. It really makes me wonder of all the different possibilities that are in this world. Every single one of these people have their own individual problems. All of them, some better then others , put on this front. This act that makes other people think their life is perfect, with their phones, clothes, money, etc. but they all have problems. If we would just wake up and see the world, see ourselves, all of our problems could be solved. We are all part of a bigger thing. Humans, animals, anything with life is all connected. Why do you think we can feel each others emotions. Understand each other with just a look at times, why telepaths exist. People think that its all a myth or made up, but there's a truth to it. Its all energies and some people can access it better then others. People tend to shut out any idea that isn't based on logic, but honestly, not everything is logic. Life is a contradiction. Without contradictions, balance and equality would not be possible. Contradictions are the basis of life itself.

Without light there cannot be darkness. The light protects you from the darkness
Without darkness there cannot be light. The darkness guards us from the light

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Us As A Greater Thought.

Who are we ?

A good friend of mine began me on this spiritual journey. The first day we started on this journey, he told me "We are but one part of a much bigger thing. Every problem that you, me, or anyone else has had.... has happened thousands of times over, by many many people. If we realize that we are all connected, and come together, all the problems of the world would be solved."

The only problem with that, is the fact that humans are so out of wack with there spiritual beings. Their highers. That they concentrate too much on the individual.

Have you ever had a moment where you knew exactly what someone was thinking or going to do, then it happened?
Have you ever predicted something in your life with someone you knew to happen, and it did?
Are you able to "feel" peoples emotions at times?

These and so much more are all things that happen, and can be tapped into because of the energies, and ether energies that are constantly part of us. It is something we all possess, but have lost touch with because of the mind set of "real material things" that have been programmed into us from the time we were infants, by society and the world around us. The electromagnetic radiation put out by our vast technological advances have interrupted these, and made it even harder for us to access this.  Scientists call this electromagnetic pollution. It comes from out phones, our computers, anything that has to do with technology. 

The point of this post, is to open your mind a little bit to the world around us. We are individuals, but at the same time, we are part of something much bigger. Look around, at your family, at your friends. They all have something to offer. There was once a time were the world was at peace, long before any of the things we have now. Monks understand this, Priests to a certain extent, and many other people that are waking up to the world and seeing it how it should be seen. Our bodies in this world is but a mere speck of the life, and journey we have been on and continue to go on. Everything is perception. 

Ill leave off with this quote
"Everyone has something to learn, and Everyone has something to teach"

Feedback Question

Life, What is it ?

The first post in this blog I would like to post is a question. What do you value in your life? What is the point to this life that you are living? Do you believe it just stops when you die?

I would love some feedback on these questions. I am always stuck on facebook with people that are so caught up in the stupid things of life. I want a deeper discussion with people.